“Château de la Chatonnière” garden

The “Château de la Chatonnière” his gardens is very pleasant. This is a restful place. The adjustment here was mainly done to reveal details on the sky. I add a vignetting effect to better guide the eyes into the path, while a slight color correction helps to render the scene more like “the way I […]

Sydney's Harbour Bridge

I took this photo using the same technic as , but five minutes before. I post-adjusted the picture to logically reveal highlights details — like in the sky — and enhanced the color complementarity, less visible on the original because of the voluntary over-exposure.

For ski love…

As you can notice if you do the comparison (see on my blog), the non-adjusted version is clearly over-exposed. In fact, — as I explain it on quite many of my pictures — it's a photography technic where you help your camera to grab as much details as possible, specially on shadows, because camera sensor are way […]

“Somewhere over the —RhineBow—”

A 3 minutes long shot, taken few instants before the “Kölner Lichter Musical Fireworks”. A lots of illuminated boats comes slowly along the Rhine, where thousands of people are waiting for the show. On the non-processed picture, the sky as entirely dull and brown, so I adjusted it the way you can see above to […]

What's magical about A380

This picture is probably my favorite from all my Bourget Airshow 2011 shots. With such a size and some low level pass, it just takes the light in an amazing way. This photo haven't been cropped and I've chosen deliberately to shot heavily zoomed (400mm — equiv. 640mm on the 7D). In fact, things was […]

“drilled needle” .v2

This is another view of the rock arch (). I used the same shooting technic as before: I intentionally overexpose my original shot. In fact, it's a photography technic where you help your camera to grab as much details as possible, because camera sensor are way mor efficient on highlight. It's also called to “expose […]

The Last Minutes

This is the mouth of the Courant on the Contis beach. This place is extremely slippery because of the moss. I ardently advise you to leave back any claim about the simple action of “walking”, specially when you move in those rocks with tripod and camera in your two hands. A nice technic if you […]

Virgo's wreck

This ship beached in 1976 on the Lespecier beach in Landes. I tried to go there on morning to get some better lights (earlier would have been nice, but well, that's it). By continue reading, you'll find 19 pictures and an extract from the true story that happened there.Comparison feature is for sure active on […]