Stroll towards Akranes. Sixteen photos in total, the first three with the Before|After comparison to give an overview of applied processing to each type of photo. One the first (before adjustment such as 5 and 6), you'll notice the typical red shift of —neutral— filters (or supposed to be…). This detour was very nice, with […]

A basic sky… well…

At ƒ4, it's difficult to capture a lot of light, while keeping a reasonable ISO, and avoiding to exceed 30 seconds of exposure time so the movement of the Earth (relative movement of stars) does not create trails. Anyway, the result of the post-adjustment shows that finally, you can capture quite a lot of information! […]

Sydney's Harbour Bridge

When you shoot a 180s long exposure in Sydney harbor, you can't hardly avoid to get your picture striped by navigation lights of boats. It happens here and I had to remove one of them. It's not necessary but I think the picture is better anyway. Note there are still light traces under the balustrade, […]

Sydney Opera House

Here's the Sydney Opera House. Ok, it's a very common angle shot, but you know what? it's not easy to find a terrific spot and organize everything when you only have one end of afternoon and no more light at 6pm! Meanwhile, I've tried to make my picture more interesting than common ones by choosing […]

“Somewhere over the —RhineBow—”

A 3 minutes long shot, taken few instants before the “Kölner Lichter Musical Fireworks”. A lots of illuminated boats comes slowly along the Rhine, where thousands of people are waiting for the show. On the non-processed picture, the sky as entirely dull and brown, so I adjusted it the way you can see above to […]

The Last Minutes

This is the mouth of the Courant on the Contis beach. This place is extremely slippery because of the moss. I ardently advise you to leave back any claim about the simple action of “walking”, specially when you move in those rocks with tripod and camera in your two hands. A nice technic if you […]