Time Lapse and some video shots Quick overview Lionel find occupation during the Time Lapse by drawing aboriginal shapes on the sand Just the once will not hurt… My camera (was protected under plastic bag), after 3h of Time Lapse in a sandstorm

Time Lapse et quelques séquences vidéos Petit tour d'horizon Lionel s'occupe pendant le Time Lapse en dessinant des motifs aborigènes dans le sable Une fois n'est pas coutume… État de l'appareil (sous plastique) après 3h de Time Lapse dans un vent de sable


In April 2012 (no need to point out that it took me a year before posting ^^), I took a full marmots "photo hunt" day. Besides the walk approach — somewhat "vivifying" with 14 kg of gear — I spent literally 7 hours lying in the snow for this result: two marmots photo, no more!