Flying-foxe on

The jury has selected my Grey-headed Flying-foxe photography taken in Australia. This bat belongs to "Megabat" family and regularly flies in the sunday, even if it sits more likely in the shade of foliage. With over 22.300 unique views, it changes from Flickr ^^.

Dassault Rafale

This picture is not so sharp, but I decided to save it from the trash because of the aesthetic of reflections. About adjustments, it's simple, I sightly reinforce blacks and enhanced the afterburner effect; I've also removed a bird in front of the aircraft, not enough visible and interesting to be kept.

What's magical about A380

This picture is probably my favorite from all my Bourget Airshow 2011 shots. With such a size and some low level pass, it just takes the light in an amazing way. This photo haven't been cropped and I've chosen deliberately to shot heavily zoomed (400mm — equiv. 640mm on the 7D). In fact, things was […]

Axalp 2010 - “Let's the show begin!”

Second and last day for Axalp (public opened). Those two F/A-18C Hornet are opening the show with a fast and low level pass launching decoy flares. Action ends in a fraction and the first day, surprised by them, I've not been able to take one shot with an aircraft on the frame, only “traces” ^^ […]

McDonnell Douglas - Boeing F/A-18C Hornet

Back to my aeronautical shots, it has been a while… (but wait wait!, Bourget Airshow is coming ^^). Here's a little boy, one of the 30 and more the Swiss like to own. Well, funny enough, this aircraft is just an amazing flying machine I can guaranty this to you. Specially when it comes to […]